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tv   ABC World News With David Muir  ABC  January 19, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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this is "world news." tonight, breaking news. deadly crisis over. at least 23 hostages dead. and tonight, the american toll. the stories emerging of survival. the first pictures of the hostages who were able to escape. point blank. the shocking moemgt. close call caught on tape. on live television. everyone survived. but this evening, how did he get in and how did he come so close. breaking hi silence. for the first time, football giant manti te'o talks about the phantom girlfriend. tonight the espn interview. how did he react after being duped? >> i just got mad. and i just went on a ram page. >> and if there was no girlfriend who was talking about
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the other end of the phone? and second time around. on the eve of the president's second inaugural address, can you guess which president delivered the shortest speech? who despite drenching rain insisted on riding in an open car and whose was the first to be seen by millions? good evening. it's great to have you with us here on a saturday night. we begin with that developing news that terrorists takeover of that natural gas facility in algeria has finally come to an end but a deadly end indeed. the algerian military moving in, leaving many dead. s to including at least 23 hostages. still other americans accounted for for the first time it began,
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we're get act look inside the terrible ordeal. showing workers held inside the plant. hostages feeling in the sand there. hands in the air. this new video reportedly shot by workers as they escaped through the desert. in a moment the stories of the survival. we begin with abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross tonight. >> reporter: the algerian final assault today recaptured the bf-run facility but left many of the hostages dead. over the four-day siege in the middle of the sa hara desert, the final death toll was put by algerian officials at 53. >> for their family and friends continues to be a distressing and a horrific time. >> at least two americans remain unaccounted for and one american has confirmed as killed. 58-year-old fred buttacio of
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katy, texas, a suburb of houston. >> we believe that there are five british nationals and one uk resident who are either deceased or unaccounted for. >> reporter: algerian tv aired what it said was home video taken by one hostage as he escaped across the desert. >> among those who also got out was mark cobb of corpus christi, texas, described as the vp at the facility. their bodies displayed today on tv. officials said they were heavily armed with automatic weapons with explosives-packed vests. as jeerian tanks and special
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forces surrounded the plant, officials said they had no choice but to go in with guns blazing. even after other countries asked them to hold -- >> we don't negotiate. we don't mess around. >> the official algerian news agency said they began to execute the remaining hostage as they moved in. now it will shift to the mastermind mokhtar who's made himself one of the most wanted terrorists in the world. >> developments still fast moving. you continue to follow it throughout the night. also this evening, we're hearing more of the portrait of the terror inside from those who managed to flee. those who, walked past the dead. many have been flown to italy, at the island of sicily.
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>> reporter: david, u.s. officials tell us about a dozen survivors are recuperating at the u.s. naval hospital here in sicily. they are just beginning to come to term with the trauma they suffered. they are all shell shocked and barely made it out alive. >> i don't remember, it happened so fast. >> reporter: survivors describe scenes of fear and brutality. for more than 80 hours they did anything to stay alive. many were beaten and witnessed executions. >> we were lucky we are still alive. >> reporter: stephen mcfaul called his wife after escaping. his hands had been tied and he had to wear explosives strapped to his chest. >> she describes the experience as he had as truly horrific. >> reporter: mark grant and others hid for four days, surviving by scrambling up on the roof or locking themselves inside rooms, hoping terrorists wouldn't get through the door. >> we barricaded together in one of the offices, we lock the door we put desk on the door. >> reporter: and for those who survived, there is relief. many are on their way home, desperate to return to their families.
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>> the guys who picked us up, the rescue guys who had been in there were wonderful, they were like long lost friends. >> reporter: but those are the fortunate. the daughters of scottish hostage kenneth whiteside took to twitter. but they haven't heard from him since the siege began. concern about the fate of u.s. officials. for the survivors, david, security officials and psychologists are debriefing them and helping them begin the process of healing from this horrible siege. >> nick, our thanks to you. our coverage of the terror siege now over. now, to an unbelievable image tonight. close call. a politician speaking. a man with a gun approaching him at the podium. the gun inches away from the leader's head. everyone survived this. but so many questions about this coming from bulgaria. alex marquardt on how that gunman got in and got so close.
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>> reporter: she came out of nowhere. he failed to fire a shot. he was instantly tack told the crowd by audience members at this party conference repeatedly kicked and pummelled with fists. others stood over the pistol, self-defense weapon that's lethal at close range. it's unclear why the 25-year-old attacked him ahmed dogan. right now, we're working on finding out everything about the attacker said the bulgarian interior ministry. in addition to the gun, two knives were found on the attacker. he had a known criminal activity. the politician who was attacked was stepping down as head of his party. police say that he's in good health after this attack. of course, david, so many questions tonight. >> alex, thanks to you.
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we're going to turn now to the notre dame football star manti te'o speaking out for the first time about that phantom girlfriend. for the first time in an interview manti te'o was asked was in this? abc's matt gutman teaming one our partners at espn. >> reporter: manti te'o tonight calling himself the victim of lies. extending three years. >> were you in any way a part of this? >> no never. >> reporter: baring all in an exclusive all-camera interview with espn's jeremy schaap. >> he was asked more than 300 questions in that time. >> reporter: admit to falling prey to a so-called "catfish." created by this man. one of the most intrigues
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questions now, who was at actuality at the end of those phones calls? who was he talking? manti te'o said that mystery voice was acted mostly by a female accomplice of ronaiah. manti te'o revealed to espn, he was so in love with lennay that he lied to his friends and family. >> i even knew that it was crazy that i was with somebody that i didn't meet. so, i kind of, you know, tailored my stories to have people think that, yeah, he met her. before she passed away so that people wouldn't think that i was so came vaz sy dude. >> reporter: killing her off with leukemia. then in december, he got a call from ronaiah. the big lie finally unravelled.
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>> they said it's lennay. so, we carried on that conversation and i just got mad and i went on a ram page. like, how could you do this to me? i ended that conversation by simply saying this, my lennay died on september 12th. manti te'o said he doesn't what would motivate this three-year char raid. >> still so many questions. matt gutman. now to washington, d.c., this evening and the countdown is on until president obama's inauguration. the president's first inauguration made history. tonight, preparing to make history again. and one familiar voice. abc's david kerley at the white house tonight. ♪ at last >> reporter: what a night, the new first couple serenaded by beyonce.
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the singer is back, but this time will perform as the president stands on the steps of the capitol. other stars too, alicia keys, katy perry, but rather than ten inaugural balls, there will only be two. other changes too, at this second celebration. the president takes the official oath of office tomorrow in the white house. on monday he takes the oath again on the capitol steps with his hand on two bibles, martin luther king's, and president lincoln's. >> i barack hussein obama -- >> reporter: standing on the national mall, as many as 800,000 people. that is nearly twice as many people who attended the second inaugurals of presidents clinton and bush. before the oath and the party, today the president did a little work. >> this inauguration is a symbol of how our democracy works and how we peacefully transfer power. >> reporter: a national day of service, brought the first family to a d.c. elementary school for a bit of painting. while around the nation's capital, the final touches were going on the parade route and the visitors were already starting to gather on the
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people's lawn. i covered a couple of these, david. they can be very, very chilly. here's the good news, the forecast calls for maybe 40 degrees when the president takes the oath on monday. >> david kerley, see you at the capital. abc news has complete coverage of the inauguration tomorrow. just before noon. join us for a special report. then tomorrow night, a special edition of "world news." and monday morning, coverage of the public festivities begin on "good morning america" and continues with live coverage throughout the day with diane, george and the entire team. we hope you're with us. one person watching it with us is ginger zee. >> it's going to be 40 degrees. not bad at all. we're lucky it's not happening on tuesday. that's when a huge push of arctic air is coming in. part of the country already dealing with it. that's north dakota. this video shows you i-29
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between grand fork and fargo. they had blowing snow. gusts up to 69 miles per hour. blizzard conditions. look at the cold. this air comes down. the temperatures tumble big time. a place like minneapolis hasn't seen a high temperature below zero in four years. we'll do it there, five below on monday. places like chicago, tumbling to 11 and 12 degrees. >> ginger zee watching it all. still much more ahead here on this saturday night. lance armstrong's admission to oprah about years of doping. the question that finally made armstrong break down. will that interview they have been watching make a difference for him? [old english accent] i doth declare that thou have brought overmany discounts to thine customers! [old english accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth!
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saying that's not true. that's when i knew that i had to tell him. i said, -- don't defend me anymore. >> reporter: tyler hamilton a former teammate and friend bitterly attacked said that he's now seeing a side of armstrong unlike anything he has ever saw. >> it's like the new lance. the lance he hoped to me and the old lance. you can see it. it's like a battle. >> this is heavy. and this is messy and this is not something that i can sit with you and leave and go, okay. >> reporter: armstrong told oprah that she's now in therapy
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and see how quote sick some of his actions were. that arrogant twitter photo boasting of his tour wins even after he had been stripped. was just two months ago. >> that was just, more defiance. and you know what's scary i thought it was a good idea. >> he acknowledged that his ex-wife knew of his cheating and encouraged him not only to stop and come clean. he never did until he lost everything and was back in a corner. >> will you rise again? >> i do not. >> neal is here with us. you talked about with anti-doping officials who watched this interview, has it made any difference for him? >> in a word, no. he said that he has to come guard under oath, with names, dates. pass the drug test, they said there have been talks about coming in before the oprah interview. those have since stalled. >> neal karlinsky tonight.
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when we come back here on the broadcast -- losing a great in baseball. the hall of fame baseball manager we lost. [ female announcer ] caltrate's done even more to move us.
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we're going to turn now to our instant index here on a saturday night. an eye-opening night. 21. how many giant pythons have been killed in the florida everglades. this was last week on "world news." the worry was the pythons once pets set free are now wreaking havoc on the eco system. after a week of hunting 21 of them have been caught and killed. get this, officials believe there may be a hundred throughout there free. hollywood case trending again. robert wagner. the newest chapter in the tragic death of his wife natalie wood. wagner was the last person to see her alive on that boat trip. now the case is reopened. wood had scratches and fresh bruises on her arms and legs. police say that wagner is now refusing to speak to them. a passing to net tonight in the index.
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one of the most colorful figures in major league baseball, hall of famer earl weaver suffered a heart attack on a cruise. he was beloved by his fans. he holds the a.l. record for the most ejections, 94 of them. earl weaver, was 81 years old. he'll be missed. when we come back on the broadcast -- who had the shortest speech ever? who was snowed in? nexium, the purple pill, helps provide many with day and night relief
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finally tonight here, you heard from our washington team earlier, president's expected a larger crowd for his second inaugural than presidents bush and clinton. 16 presidents have had to do what president obama will do on monday. deliver that second inaugural address. first to do so was george washington. his was the shortest inaugural speech. just 135 words. here a copy of that speech historians believe in his secretary handwriting. he said, i'm again called upon by the voice of my country. abraham lincoln a sea of mud on pennsylvania avenue after weeks
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of rain, thousands of spectators standing in it all. enacted. >> charity for all. >> reporter: it was during lincoln's second inauguration african-americans were first invited to participate in the parade. and for women it wasn't until woodrow wilson inaugural they were invited to be part of the parade. one month pushing her turn of the century stroller as they walked into history. two years later, women would begin to vote. at the second inaugural january 27th but listen to this. he insisted on riding in an open car. >> i harry s. truman do solemnly swear. >> reporter: a tv first for harry truman, january 1949. americans could finally watch
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the inauguration on television. these were the preps more than 50 years ago for dwight eisenhower giant platforms for the invited guests. lyndon johnson made history, the first president to ride to his inaugural in a bulletproof limo after the assassination of jfk. bill clinton ushering more than a second term. ushering the internet. on monday, president obama with the first lady by his side again since already making history four years ago. our special report on the swearing-in just before noon tomorrow. right here. i'll see you from washington tomorrow night. good night.
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